What is PRP for the Under-Eyes?
The term “Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP)” is a general term used to describe hanging plasma that has been obtained from whole blood with concentration of platelets higher than normal concentration found in circulating blood. PRP’s work mechanism depends on the fact that platelets contain important substances called growth factors, which have a known role in the process of reform and renewal of tissues.
• PRP treatments for the under eye and the upper eyelid area are regenerative treatments. Which means, the PRP injection and application leads to stimulation of your own collagen and elastin and regeneration of new healthy skin tissue for gradual, natural and real results that improve in the 2-3 months following a single treatment.
• Two to three treatments, 2-3 months apart are recommended for most people for significant results.
• Individual results will vary depending on your body’s response to the PRP induced collagen regeneration.
• PRP injection treatments below the skin in the under-eye area will not have the immediate and final results of a dermal filler treatment because the volume added by PRP injection is resorbed by your body within 2-3 days, gradual tissue regeneration begins within days and continues for months after the treatment.
• The PRP treatments lead to improvement in all but one aging signs in this area (fine lines, texture, loose skin, loss of volume, deep wrinkles, pigmentation); the presence of large under-eye fatty tissue (under-eye bags) is not treated with PRP, this condition frequently needs surgical removal of the excess fat.
• The type of PRP treatment most suitable for you is determined by your presentation of the under-eye condition.
• A small amount of blood is taken from the patient.
• Blood is spun in a machine, separating red blood cells from platelets and plasma.
• The PRP is injected into the under-eye.
• For best results, you may require two to three treatments, 2-3 months apart.
• Little to no risk of intolerance or allergy due to it being your own blood.
• Under-eye pigmentation or dark circles
• Under-eye hallows with or without dark pigmentation
• Under-eye fine lines, wrinkles and poor texture
• Under-eye wrinkles, loss of elasticity and firmness
• Under-eye bags

By filling out your information below, we will be in contact with you between 24-48 hours to schedule your treatment or your complimentary appointment. For any other questions, call us directly at: 402.484.5144 (Lincoln & Omaha) or 605.838.5286 (Sioux Falls).