What is FUE?

Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) is a method of hair restoration where Dr. Misko, M.D. will remove a small round graft including the hair follicles and then transplants the grafts into one of the balding areas of the patient’s donor area, ideally one at a time. The follicles are then transferred from the donor area to the area of thinning/balding. FUE will provide more flexibility with hair length unlike with the FUT Hair Transplant Option. 


  • No visible scarring even wearing short hair.
  • Donor area from where the hair is removed looks unaffected and unchanged as of 2 weeks after the treatment.
  • FUE Hair Restoration ensures a natural-looking result using ‘true’ and natural follicle units.
  • Natural looking hairline guaranteed. In case of crown area, we recreate the natural swirl using identical angulation and direction.
  • Recovery days instead of months as no scalpel or stitches are used in the treatment.
  • Treatment without any major trauma for the body.
  • No pain during or after the treatment so you can return home just after the treatment.
  • Local anesthesia is used, similar to dentist anesthesia.



During the consultation process, renowned Dr. Justin Misko, M.D. will do a scalp analysis to determine what hair restoration option is best for you. He will be able to answer any questions you have and go through the various options available.